Alright, so where were we?

Ah, yes. DRAGONCON 2015.

Well, I survived. Mostly.

Welcome to Georgia!

Welcome to Georgia!

We got up there on Thursday and I got to visit my old pal MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, for those of you not in the know) which is Atlanta’s version of the subway system.

Marta packed to the gills

Marta packed to the gills

The line for the escalator

The line for the escalator

I had my usual multiple mile walks from the condo to Marta, then from Marta to the convention. Once in the morning, then again in the evening. We used the hashtag #TheGreatJeffAndGeorgeRoadtrip for the pictures we were taking as we made out drive from Florida up to Georgia.

The crash pad

The crash pad

Ivy everywhere

Ivy everywhere



a stream!

a stream!

My view from the window

My view from the window

I made new friends, which is always cool, and got to meet quite a few people I wanted to meet 🙂

George’s old friend (and my new one) Sgt. Fincher was working the con, and we had a blast. Guy’s been on 3 or 4 seasons of COPS and is a stuntman and stunt driver. Dudes and TOTAL badass, and one of the coolest guys you’ll meet. We had a blast hanging out and cracking jokes with him. He’s going into entertainment full time when he done with the Police department. I had him sign his business card for me, too 🙂

COPS on location with the men and women of law enforcement

on location with the men and women of law enforcement

Me, George and Andrew Fincher!

Me, George and Andrew Fincher!

George and I had our fun, too. And we sold out of all our new buttons!
Check out the bad ass Space Ghost balloon!

Baloons for days!

Baloons for days! (yes, there are TWO L’s in balloon)

Me and George Hamming it up in Macon

Me and George Hamming it up in Macon

My buddy Chris wanted a signed 8×10 head shot, so G Lowe was kind enough to draw one up for me so I could sign it. and Chris put it in a frame with his Rocky Horror picture show signed piece next to TIM CURRY. 0_0


My first signed head shot

My first signed head shot

I surprised my buddy Paul (of Ghost Hunters: International), as he didn’t know I was gonna be up there for Dragon Con. It was great seeing him, as always. Really good guy, and a very creative brain, too. He builds all the equipment for those ghost hunting shows as well as coming up with cool creative tee shirts.

The walk of fame at DragonCon is huuuge, so you don’t always get a chance to see your buds even though you’re all cooped up in the same room.

I got the chance to chat Rugby and NFL with Matt Nable of “Arrow” fame. He plays the character Ra’s al Ghul. He was our next door neighbor at the table and a cool bloke in his own right. guy played 7 seasons of pro rugby!

Matt Nable! (Ra's al ghul on Arrow)

Matt Nable!
(Ra’s al ghul on Arrow)

Stole another one! Spent the day pretending to be Matt Nable!

Stole another one! Spent the day pretending to be Matt Nable!

and I spent the whole con messing with Victor Webster of CONTINUUM fame. I even sicked the balloon (Yes, Andrew, there are TWO L’s in balloon) guy on him to make him a crazy hat. Victors a big ink nut and wanted to talk tattoo’s. He is one of the NICEST human beings you’ll meet. He called my wife up (She’s a fan of the show) and she thought it was George messing with her! hahaha

Victor Webster of Continuum

Victor Webster of Continuum

I sicked the balloon guy on him!

I sicked the balloon guy on him!


Our buddies Trace and Frank from Mystery Science Theater 3000 stopped by, and Frank and I talked about our mutual pal Cat who he had the opportunity to do some podcasts with up in New York. Turns out Frank has a new show on Sirius called “Tell Me Everything” on channel 121 from 2-5pm.

Me, Trace and Frank

Me, Trace and Frank

To our right was Anime Voice actor Josh Grelle and his girlfriend, Joanna. They were super cool. I still don’t get the whole Anime thing, but you couldn’t ask for nicer people. They didn’t even call Atlanta PD for as much as I was bothering them and chatting 🙂

And then at the end of the table. A FUCKING CLASS ACT, was voice acting LEGEND Dave Fennoy. WHAT A GREAT GREAT DUDE. SUPER nice and a ton of fun to hang with.

DAVE !!!

DAVE !!!

This was just in our section.

Tara from Buffy across the way

Tara from Buffy across the way

I got the chance to talk Jack White, and Tigers baseball with a fellow Michigander Rob Paulsen (Pinky and the brain, Animaniacs) He’s a huge Jack White fan, and I showed him the picture Jack took with me and my daughter at the Tigers game here in FL.

Rob Paulsen

Rob Paulsen



I have an X-Files Tattoo, so, that should put that into perspective for you.


Nicholas Lea!

Nicholas Lea!


Oh man, he was super nice to.

I also got an animation print from C. Martin Croker!

C. Martin Croker

C. Martin Croker

Illustrator and voice of Zorak and Moltar on Space Ghost: Coast to Coast and chatted with him and Carey Means (Frylock from Aqua Teen) for a while before the legendary “LET’S TRADE PANTS” Panel, hosted by my good friend and occasional boss George Lowe (aka Space Ghost)

Comedy healing with George Lowe

Comedy healing with George Lowe

That panel was NUTS. George was pouring water on peoples heads and having random strangers swap pants in front of a huge crowd of people!!!!

AND THEY LOVED IT! It was a blast.

We also saw our buddy Howard and his son Ross, and went out for some FOX BROTHERS BBQ with Howard and his family.

Fox Brothers BBQ

Fox Brothers BBQ

P.S. Marta is INSANE after the college games let out.

First week of the college football season and I got caught in the Georgia Tech vs Alcorn St crowd AND the Auburn vs Louisville crowd………..

We had our annual Pig and Chick (Sp?) rally w/ Uncle George on Sunday (Food so good it makes you wanna SLAP YO MAMA) and I got to hang w/ a ton of my new friends:)

Oh man, it’s so pretty up there. Atlanta (and the surrounding towns) are really starting to find a home in my heart.

Great great EXHAUSTING times. 6 miles of walking a day (NOT counting inside the con) on 3 and 4 hours of sleep a night. Special thanks to MONSTER ENERGY DRINKS and STARBUCKS VIA coffee (as well as anywhere else I can find coffee…Gas stations, hotel rooms, stores, that giant plantation tourist trap off the interstate)

Breakfast of champions

Breakfast of champions

It was a WILD, CRAZY and BRUTALLY EXHAUSTING experience.

I also got contacted by a cool alt country fan who works at a radio station, received a couple job “offers” and did my usual thing for Savage-Turner.

That reminds me, I need to call Artix Entertainment. You guys don’t let me forget!

and somewhere in there I got some pictures signed for John Barrowman’s husband and Felicia Day ended up with a set of my buttons…….

I think that’s what happened this weekend? (all 5 days of it?)

Oh! and I saw a Chipmunk!!!

ummmmmm, if I forgot thing, for which I am sorry, it’s because mentally I’m still sleeping on the floor of a condo in Atlanta. hahaha

View from the room

View from the room

Our Table

Our Table

Oh gosh.

Im so tired

Here’s an individually wrapped hotdog in a rest stop vending machine for the road

Selection D2, for when you've lost the will to live

Selection D2, for when you’ve lost the will to live

Love you!
Someplace’s own,