Vercingetorix at the Hideaway

So I decided to go out and play an open mic with a friend of mine. We’ve been working on a few songs for some weeks and i thought maybe we should road test em.

We went out to St. Pete. Which has always been my home scene (even though I live about an hour away) and there’s a great little listening venue there called the Hideaway Cafe. The very first time I ever played in my life, When I mustered the courage, finally, to try my songs out live, I drove to an open mic at a little hole in the wall bar there. Way out to the burg. I have yet to regret it.

This is a new song, called “Vercingetorix”. I don’t have a great gauge on which of my songs are good, so I let Alexis make the call on this one.

It’s NOT on the record (maybe I shouldn’t be playing it yet haha) But it seems to resonate well, so why not, right?

Anyway, It went pretty well, and here’s some videographic proof should you need more convincing. or you know, just want to hear it.

Thank you for your time,