A Lovely write up by The Lakeland Ledger

Just wanted to put this here in case some of you lovely people hadn’t seen it:

It’s a lovely write up done by Clifford Parody at The Lakeland Ledger





Ok, so a bit of a surprise

I might be playing a show. YEP. Total surprise to me too, seeing as my forearms/wrists ain’t fixed yet. But such is life, sometimes.

By “might”, I mean “Am”.


Opening for the the FANTASTIC David Lareau and the Copperpots at the Orlando Brewing.




David Lareau was in a CRIMINALLY underrated band called “Mile” on Columbia Records back in the early 00’s.

He also happens to be a DAMN GOOD songwriter, BAD ASS guitar player, and one hell of a nice guy 🙂



Anyway, I’m excited. I don’t know how good my set will be, seeing as I haven’t really been able to practice or play for a YEAR (yeah….almost a year) now, but, fuck it.


You either do, or do not.


and at this point in time. I do.


Someplace’s own,


Check it out! I’m featured in a music video!

So, My good friend Mark, aka Mayed, filmed a music video for a cover of Lana Del Ray’s “Videogame” , and I feature prominently in the video!

I’ve known Mark for a few years now, and we’ve had some great conversations. One of the hardest working guys I’ve met in the music business.

Super cool to have been asked to do in the first place, and it turned out well, I think! I’m quite pleased 🙂

I suppose, technically, this would be considered my acting “debut”, as far as video goes.

You can find more of Marks stuff at: https://www.facebook.com/mayed4life?fref=ts

Very talented rapper, recording engineer, and video editor. and a guy who you’ll certainly be hearing more about if you follow what I’m up too.

If you’re looking for round two on HIS stuff, check out his song “Court Jester” on Youtube. FAN-TASTIC.

As far as MY stuff goes, we just got round two of the master back, needs a bit more work, and the album art is in!
Those of you who contributed to the ORIGINAL Kickstarter of mine ( years back ), get first dibs.

and we will probably do a pre-order campaign coming up, as well.

OR, if you read THIS far, and can’t wait, MESSAGE ME DIRECTLY, and I’ll give you a SNEAK PEEK!

Someplace’s own,


Meet my friends: Lauren Mann and the Fairly Odd Folk

Have I ever told you about my good friends from Canada? Do you like GREAT FREE MUSIC? With top notch production and sound?

Well then. I guess I shall fill you in! Continue reading!

A couple years back, I had some strangers from a far away land (Canada in pretty damn far from Florida) message me on a website called Couchsurfing.

After some deliberation, and upon learning these 2 folks were musicians in town to record, I decided to take a risk, and meet them for coffee!


Not only did they turn out to be GREAT people, but they were GREAT musicians on top of it!

They ended up recording a top notch record here in FL with Aaron Marsh of the band Copeland.

AND, you can get it FOR FREE, RIGHT HERE:

Just click the picture!

Lauren Mann and the Fairly Odd Folk

Lauren Mann and the Fairly Odd Folks record “Over Land and Sea”


The record turned out brilliantly, they toured like MADMEN, and they ended up winning multiple contests up in Canada.

Heck, they even stayed at my house!

So do yourself a favor, grab a free copy of the record, and say hey to my buddies while you’re at it!

Hop you enjoy!


Auburndale City Con

AUBURNDALE CITY CON WAS UPON US! #CityCon for you Twitter folks….

# CityCon

and then it was over. and I am TIRED…..

Well. It went how I thought it would go. Small Con. Small town.

REALLY nice people.

Ran into some fellow Orlando City Soccer Club supporters (City Till I Die!)and had some friends come visit. Always cool. Had some Barbecue. Walked the dog. Laughed A LOT. Heard some great stories. Had PLENTY of coffee. (Thank God for Dunkin Donuts). Trekkies, Furry’s, a ZOMBIE Batman….


THIS is my buddy Paul
Me and Paul Bradford

HELL of a nice guy (even though he was a LIVERPOOL fan :p) who showed me some CREEPY pictures of real life ghost encounters he’s had as a member of Ghost Hunters: International. He’s been all over the WORLD searching for the truth behind paranormal encounters.

Cuddle Time!

There was a WICKED cool Delorean on premise

Back to the future

As well as a cool copy of “Christine” and a sweet Jurassic park jeep.

I had a TOTAL childhood flashback with Phil Moore from Nickelodeon (No, he is NOT the guy from Reading Rainbow hahaha He hears this all the time, he told me.)
Nick Arcade

a SUPER nice, wacky, zany, loud fella who was a HUGE Space Ghost fan.

and OF COURSE, as always, I had TONS of fun w/ my buddy George Lowe, the ghost with the most!

CON LIFE!!!!!!

My pal, George Lowe, on the job!

My pal, George Lowe, on the job!



So, once, while I was tracking the “Chinese Democracy” of E.P.s ( Guns and Roses ain’t the only guys who take 15 years to make a record apparently!) I was called and asked to move my already booked and paid for recording time.

and WHY, after my session had been set for quite a while, was I being called and asked last minute for a favor?

WELL, because a Japanese/ British “Super group” had come to town to record and they needed the place! STAT!

and, being the doll I am, I of course obliged.

They’re actually pretty good! The bands called “Muddy Apes” and this is my new claim to fame


Alls well that ends well,

Someplace’s own,

this blog entry shall be titled “50x Platinum”

As EVERY good story begins, “So I played this gig, right…”

Well, I played this gig a week or so back, with these real deal songwriters.

It was put on by a professor at Full Sail University down here in Orlando. A songwriter in the round type gig where you tell stories, talk about your songs and then take turns playing them. an “Austin City Limits” type thing and HOLY SMACKERS was I nervous. There were only 3 of us on stage. A lady, with about 30 years of songwriting and performing experience, and guy, with about 30 years of songwriting, producing, and performing experience, AND myself. With my fat 5 years of learning to play the guitar….

“One of these things is not like the other”

So the guy, he’s kind of a big shot, seeing as he was Justin Timberlakes producer. You know all those hits for N’sync and The Backstreet Boys?

Me and Veit Renn

Me and Veit Renn

Yeah, he wrote AND produced them. Plus a ton for other famous performers as well. He’s 50x Platinum as a songwriter/ producer. (mailbox money millionaire, as we call them) and YOU COULD TELL. This guy was on some NEXT LEVEL SHIT. and MAN, O , MAN, was it incredible to be up there watching him do his thing. Crazy good with his guitar (he was a damn PIANO PLAYER 0_0, to make it worse) Voice all trained up and on key, and songs that were OUT OF THIS WORLD.

I told all my friends, “It’s sort of like getting in the ring w/ Muhammad Ali. You know how the fights gonna turn out, you just gotta do your best not to embarrass yourself.”

Now, Mind you, I HAD practiced. A TON. but I knew what was coming, and it did not disappoint. Both he, and the lady were ON POINT, so I just did all I could to hold my own. There was NOOOOO winning that fight. That’s for DAMN SURE!

It sure doesn't look like much, but this little pad was host to some next level shit!

It sure doesn’t look like much, but this little pad was host to some next level shit!

But, I tell you what. It was an incredible experience, and I’m glad I had the sack to get up there and do it!

MUCH was learned, and I even went out and bought a new guitar afterwards to try and keep up! (My poor old Guild couldn’t hang 😦

The only way to get better, is to continue having to up your game. and I was up there with the best!

Special thanks to my good friend/ producer/ engineer/ music guru Joe for getting me the gig and for coming out to make sure it went well!

and to David Lareau and the Copperpots for the T-shirt, and for kicking ass!

and to YOU, for taking the time to read this crap, and for caring enough to do so!

Keep at the dream! Never give up! Never surrender! 🙂

Someplace’s own,


CONjure Orlando aka Trying my hand at professional nerd-dom!

So my whole life I’ve been a nerd. As a kid, my walls were covered in comic books. Love, love loved them. Loved Star trek. Star wars. Had plenty of super hero action figures. Crushed HARD CORE on The X Files. and even went out with famed comic book illustrator Billy Tucci’s Niece. (he’s the creator of SHI, and illustrator for both Marvel and DC).

I lost track of those hobbies for a while. But I never lost my love. Hell, even my songs now have reference to all sorts of nerdy, magical and mysterious things.

So when the opportunity to work with my hero George Lowe aka SPACE GHOST (yep, SPACE GHOST: COAST TO COAST!) I jumped on it!


So we headed on out this weekend for what would be my maiden voyage as assistant to the stars. That’s my self created title. haha

Me, Space Ghost, and Master Shake :PROM NIGHT
(Me, Space Ghost, and Master Shake of Aqua teen: hunger force)

My real title should be super helper, pack mule, goods fetcher, artist wrangler, phone call maker, schedule checker, note taker, lost stuff finder, coffee getter, packin up and unpacking money collecting picture taker, but that’s not nearly as fun

What a crazy good time!

and who knew how much hard work Cons actually are. BRUTAL!!!!! (I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t been there) but man, what an incredible time.

Us headed to the penthouse with ZABOO from THE GUILD

Us headed to the penthouse with ZABOO from THE GUILD

This was all a trial run for the big mahmah jahmah in Atlanta (solid rhyme if I do say so myself) called DRAGON CON.

So look for that on the horizon. I’m so glad I finally got the opportunity to embrace the nerd I am and hang out with some like minded folks!

What a great time. THE CON AWAITS!!! (and probably more nights of little sleep, trail mix, and sleeping on floors)

ME and Chad Rook of THE FLASH!
(Me with *class act* Chad Rook of THE FLASH)

Someplace’s own,

World cup fever




As some of you may or may not know, I am a big soccer fan. I first got into the sport by chance. A mere 4 years ago. During the World Cup in 2010. 

I kept seeing previews for “USA vs ENGLAND” USA vs ENGLAND” all the monster truck jam style hype that Sport channels put into upcoming rounds of gold and tennis matches and all sorts of sports related things. So I thought to myself. “OK, I like sports, I’ll bite, lets see what this is all about.” 


The next thing I know, Im watching Argentina play Mexico, on Telemundo, Spanish language broadcast, and even though I can’t understand a word they are saying, I’m screaming my head off, and totally in love with the game. 


It Clicked. 


Since then, I have gone on to support my local hometown club regularly, the Orlando City Lions (who will be making their MLS debut next year) and have been to a couple USA national team games as well. 

(The Picture above is from when I won tickets off the TV to see the USA play against Antigua and Barbuda) 


Anyway, It’s that time of year again. (or that time of the last 4 years, again) and the USA is heading to the World Cup in Brazil. We had a tough draw, with Ghana, Portugal and Germany in our group. 

So I have been scouring the internet, looking for articles and insight and understanding as to who our team will field, and what could happen. I’m all amped up on speculation. 


Soccer (football) is such an incredible sport, and once you get it, no other game can compare. Sorry that’s not music related, but it is life related. and it’s probably the 2nd most exciting thing happening this year (other then the release of my EP). 


On music related business, I have all the tracks off the EP done. I just need to sit with them, (as well as the additional audio track…shhhh) and then we will finalize the mixes and off they’ll go to be mastered. 


Once they are mastered, then it’s off to be pressed. and once they are presses? Well, game on. 


This is a SUPER exciting year for many reasons, and I’m looking forward to what the future brings.

Someplaces own, 


Vercingetorix at the Hideaway

So I decided to go out and play an open mic with a friend of mine. We’ve been working on a few songs for some weeks and i thought maybe we should road test em.

We went out to St. Pete. Which has always been my home scene (even though I live about an hour away) and there’s a great little listening venue there called the Hideaway Cafe. The very first time I ever played in my life, When I mustered the courage, finally, to try my songs out live, I drove to an open mic at a little hole in the wall bar there. Way out to the burg. I have yet to regret it.

This is a new song, called “Vercingetorix”. I don’t have a great gauge on which of my songs are good, so I let Alexis make the call on this one.

It’s NOT on the record (maybe I shouldn’t be playing it yet haha) But it seems to resonate well, so why not, right?

Anyway, It went pretty well, and here’s some videographic proof should you need more convincing. or you know, just want to hear it.

Thank you for your time,